The University of Iowa College of Education

Education at Iowa

Table of Contents

Support the College

Help Bring the Experience to Life

This Education@Iowa issue is filled with heat warming stories of the powerful learning experiences that take place at The University of Iowa College of Education. What greater cause than to support learning experiences for people who care about the world in which they live. Many of these opportunities happen only because of the private support our friends and alumni so generously provide.

Private gifts assist with ever increasing student tuition, provide funds for research, and cover costs of attending critical conferences and seminars. Private support allows faculty to stay on the cutting edge of research and discovery. Private support provides funds to create new initiatives, programs, and projects that might not otherwise get off the ground. Unrestricted private support to the College’s Advancement Fund allows the Dean to make important decisions and provide funds for the College’s areas of greatest need.

Darryl Borcherding, director of development Darryl Borcherding, director of development

The UI College of Education has a proud track record of success in research, learning, and service. Please consider adding your support to this most worthy cause and help ensure the future vitality of the College. Please know that gifts of any size are greatly appreciated and make a substantive difference for the college. We look forward to a future of increased private support and most importantly a greater level of engagement and connection between the college and its alumni and friends.

We are excited about the College of Education’s future, and know that many unique and wonderful learning opportunities will continue to take place, and that students and faculty will take these experiences into the world so their benefits will multiply over and over again.

For more information about
supporting the UI College of Education, please contact:

Darryl Borcherding
Director Development, College of Education
University of Iowa Foundation
PO Box 4550
Iowa City , Iowa 52244-4550
319-399-1868 x 695
800-648-6973 x 695

To make a gift online, visit


The University of Iowa College of Education N459 Lindquist Center Iowa City, IA 52242-1529 Contact Us 800.553.IOWA  Email:  Webmaster:


The University of Iowa College of Education Distance Education Alumni Notes Features: A Remarkable Life Message from the Dean Special Feature-Old Gold Singers In Memoriam Counseling, Rehabilitation & Student Development New Faculty Teaching & Learning Psychological & Quantitative Foundations Educational Policy & Leadership Studies Remembering Al Hieronymus Support the College University’s Online Community