Substitute Plans


Sub PlansÑWednesday April, 26 2000


9:05-9:15- say pledge, kids do lunch count, go over the day while kids fill in planners


9:15-10:00 ÐWork on the 5th grade play.  Students have jobs to doÉlist is on the board.  This may seem like mass chaosÑit is,  anyone who seems to be delibveratley not working can get a book and sit by my deskÉor in the hall


Leave at 9:55 to go to the program and stop at the restroom.


10:00-10:45-  Go watch the 4th grade program in the cafeteria.


10:50-11:35-   PE


11:40-12:30- Math ÐSession 10 teacherÕs manual p.101ÑThis is an assessment and they should take their time and explain all their thinking or Ònon-thinkingÓ J


12:30- 1:15- LUNCH


1:15- Pick students up from recess by the bathroom doors-they take a restroom break


1:30- 1:45- Read aloud:  Harry Potter


1:45-2:15- WriterÕs Workshop- My class just uses this time to write and work on their new rough drafts. They may not talk during this time Ð you may play music.  Tell them that we will share all day tomorrow so they should work really hard to have something to share.  I will make time for everyone


2:15-3:00- Make pennants for Baseball Days in the cafeteria on Friday.  Each student must make two pennants with a baseball theme to it.  It can be a team or anything they wantÑbe creative.  Pennants are on the back counter 


3:00-3:30- My class DEAR time.  They may work quietly on any homework they have otherwise they are reading alone at their seats.


3:30-3:40- Clean up, do jobs and get ready to go home.



Have a nice afternoon.  Katie, Alex, and Tyler are good helpers.