Cedar Rapids School District

State of Iowa Teaching Standard 2

Standard 1 | Standard 2 | Standard 3 | Standard 4 | Standard 5 | Standard 6 | Standard 7 | Standard 8
Index | Guide to Standard 2

Standard 2
Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position.

The teacher:

a. Understands and uses key concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to the content area.

Data Source: Teacher
Data Point: Interpreting Data "Think Aloud" sheet
Data Point: Pulse rate worksheet
Data Point: Video: Line Plot

b. Uses knowledge of student development to make learning experiences in the content area meaningful and accessible for every student.

Data Source: Student
Data Point: Pulse rate chart and graph
Data Point: Student's project chart

Data Source: Teacher
Data Point: Interpreting Data "Think Aloud" sheet
Data Point: Newspapers in Education
Data Point: Video: Line Plot

c. Relates ideas and information within and across content areas.

Data Source: Student
Data Point: Pulse rate chart and graph
Data Point: Student's project chart

Data Source: Teacher
Data Point: Interpreting Data "Think Aloud" sheet
Data Point: PowerPoint: Why the US went to the moon
Data Point: Newspapers in Education
Data Point: Video: Line Plot

d. Understands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area.

Data Source: Teacher
Data Point: Interpreting Data "Think Aloud" sheet
Data Point: PowerPoint: Why the US went to the moon
Data Point: Video: Line Plot

Data Source: Student
Data Point: Pulse rate chart and graph

Data Source: Student/Teacher
Data Point: Pulse rate plot

Standard 3