15 October 200X

Anecdotal Records and ABC Observation

Anecdotal Records

Activity Observed

Child #1

Child #2

Child #3

Observation #1

Activity: Writer’s Workshop

Time observed: 5 minutes

  • Drops pencil and book on floor
  • Looks at child sitting next to him
  • Looks at his neighbor’s paper
  • Shakes pencil
  • Turns pencil around in hand
  • Writes constantly through the writing time
  • Twirls pencil in fingers
  • Stares at overhead for 20 seconds
  • Closes writing journal before end of lesson
  • Places head on hand
  • Chews on erasure end of pencil
  • Raises hand for 1 minute, then puts hand down
  • Leans back in chair

Observation #2

Activity: Writer’s Workshop

Time observed: 5 minutes

  • Sticks pencil through notebook rings
  • Closes writing journal during lesson
  • Slouches in seat
  • Places head on desk
  • Stares at teacher as she gives directions
  • Places head on desk
  • Sits up straight in her chair
  • Turns bookmark around in her hands
  • Rests head on hand
  • Begins writing at teacher’s direction
  • Twirls pencil in hand
  • Writes constantly for 1 minute straight

Observation #3

Activity: Writer’s Workshop

Time observed: 5 minutes

  • Erases blank notebook page
  • Gets up to sharpen pencil
  • Tells teacher that he needs his medicine
  • Does not write anything by the end of the lesson
  • Places head on desk again
  • Pulls out her award card which is placed on her desk in a pocket
  • Flips through pages of notebook
  • Draws curved lines in notebook
  • Writes in journal constantly for 4 minutes straight
  • Stares out the window
  • Puts erasure of pencil up to lips

Implications for Child #1: From these observations, one may conclude that this student has trouble focusing his attention, or staying on task. He often is observed manipulating his pencil or notebook. He also left his seat twice in a five minute time period. Because this student needs to be manipulating or using his hands, I would allow this student to perform more hands-on activities, rather than have him complete deskwork. Since he feels a need to be up and around, I would also allow this student to take his work with him to a place in the room of his choice, and let him stand up or move around while he works without disturbing other students.

Implications for Child #2: This child appears to be able to focus her attention on a task for only a few minutes, before she starts to manipulate her pencil, notebook, or anything on her desk. The child wrote intently for about 3 minutes before she began to manipulate her pencil in her hands. For this child, I would have her work on various tasks, but for a short amount of time each. From observing her, I find that she can consistently work on one project for only a few minutes. Therefore, I might place a timer on her desk, and ask that she write for 4 minutes straight, and then she can go onto the next activity for a set number of minutes. Gradually, I would increase the amount of time she needs to spend on each activity. With this instructional implication, the child would not become bored or disinterested in a task; rather, her interest would be piqued with a new activity every few minutes.

Implications for Child #3: I have noticed many similarities between Child #2 and this child. Both of these students write intently for a few minutes, and then stare at either the teacher or out the window. No one can expect of primary students, let alone adults, to write constantly for 20 minutes without stopping. However, this child will write intently for 1-4 minutes, and then will rest her head on her hand, or manipulate her pencil. Child #2 and #3 may be reflecting or trying to decide what to write as they stare at objects in the classroom. For this child, her staring episodes are short, and afterwards, she promptly returns to writing. I may decide to have a timer on this child’s desk, or I may assume that this child is thinking of things to write. For this child, I would first and simply ask her what she is thinking about as she looks out the window. 

ABC Observation


  • I read aloud The Art Lesson by Tomie daPaola to the full group
  • I modeled “think aloud” strategies, and said things such as, “How would not being able to use your new crayons make you feel?”
  • I asked questions which evoked feelings, and had them make predictions or inferences
  • I maintained eye contact with the children as I read


Child was able to sit still through a 20 minute read aloud

Child maintained eye contact with the reader and the book during the read aloud

Child raised his hand when I asked a question to the full group

Child offered a response to one of the questions


I called on this child every time he had his hand raised

Other students in the class looked over at the child while he responded

One student offered a comment in response to this child’s statement

Implication for Child #4: This child has been identified as having attention deficit disorder. I chose this event as being an Antecedent/Behavior/Consequences observation, because this child has, in the past, had difficulties staying focused on tasks for longer than 15 minutes. Because this child has difficulty maintaining attention, I would have this child perform each of his activities in 15 minute increments. I would have a timer set for 15 minutes sitting on my desk, and have him read independently for that allotted amount of time, and then move on to other activities in short time increments. I would also have him ask or write himself questions during his independent reading time. Asking questions after every page while I read aloud, was an effective way for the child to stay focused on the story. As I was modeling this “think aloud” process while reading to the students, the child seemed to respond positively to this method. He seemed to enjoy that others in the class were responding to his answers. In the future I will model think aloud strategies to this child, and have him utilize these strategies independently in order to maintain his focus on the task at hand.

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