Ima Sample
Spring 200x


As a teacher, our work is not confined to what happens in the classroom from 8 until 4. Many factors influence who we teach, what we teach and why we teach, and all of these are influenced by where we live. As teachers, we must be cognizant of the greater community of which we are a part. Other parties, to which we are accountable to and ingrained in, are families, the district, local community, state and country.    During my student teaching experience, I had several opportunities to interact in positive ways with parents and the larger community. As a teacher, I must be aware that I am relaying information in an effective and honest way to parents and this larger community and establish myself as a community member who is interested in the input and ideas of others. Keeping lines of communication open can be difficult and does take extra time, but as I learned during Student Teaching, it leads to great results.

During my first few weeks at Susan Lindgren, I was asked to participate in hosting the “Internet Learning and Building After School Program.”  This program allowed me to interact with parents on a casual basis through notes sent home about the program and talking to them when they came to pick up their children. I was asked to represent our after school internet and building program at the St. Louis Park Foundation Grant Fair. This provided me with the occasion to speak to other educators about grant programs as well as promote a positive image for myself and my school.

During the school day, I also had opportunities to forge relationships with families. The following links demonstrate evidence of my effort to communicate with parents.

Another opportunity I had was created by the TRECK student Art Show at the St. Louis Park Public Library. This experience created several key opportunities for me to interact with students’ parents and community members. I helped coordinate parent volunteers who had given their time to mat and frame students’ art. This allowed me to interact casually with parents as well as see how invaluable their help can be!  Below is a link to a note I sent home with students the week of the St. Louis Park Public Library Art Show.

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