Excel Gradebook and Chart Assignment
Ima Sample


 I. Student Grades (Data)

Student Name Quiz 1:                   Graphics Quiz 2:                   MSLUV Quiz #3: Troubleshooting Total Points Total Percentage
Total Points 10 10 10 30 100%
Blue 7 9 10 26 87%
Goldenrod 9 9 8 26 87%
Purple 7 9 10 26 87%
Orange 6 10 10 26 87%
Yellow 8 9 10 27 90%
Green 5 9 8 22 73%
Brown 8 9 8 25 83%
Black 10 10 10 30 100%
Grey 9 9 10 28 93%
White 9 9 8 26 87%
Chartreuse 8 10 10 28 93%
Turquoise 8 8 9 25 83%
Lavender 7 10 8 25 83%
Violet 7 10 10 27 90%
**Red 3 2 1 6 20%
Average Quiz Grade 7.4 8.8 8.7 24.9 83%

II. Comparing Student Performance




Critical Thinking/Discussion Section

This graph represents (via bars) the scores on 3 midterm quizzes covering the major topics taught in the first seven weeks to section 2 of Technology in the Classroom.  Overall the class performed very well, with the average score at 83% and with the vast majority of the class achieving scores in the upper 80th or low 90th percentile.  Student Red is a clear anomaly, having achieved a significantly lower score than the average (only 20% correct).


It is necessary that the teacher speak with student Red as soon as possible to determine what caused him/her to achieve such a low score.  It is possible that student Red does not understand the material and needs additional help and/or to have the material re-taught. 


III.  Average Student Grades


Discussion/Critical Thinking sections:

This graph shows the average score for all of section 2 on the 3 midterm quizzes given in Technology in the classroom.  The overall achievement across the three quizzes is very good.  However, the average score on the first quiz is a great deal lower than the average scores for Quizzes 2 and 3 (the average score for quiz 1 was 74%, while the scores for quizzes 2 and 3 were 88% and 87%, respectively). . 


There could be a number of causes for the scores for quiz 1 to be lower, with those from quizzes 2 and 3 to be higher.  The instructor should consider the following:

bullet The material on quiz 1 was covered near the beginning of the class and students may no longer remember it.  The instructions for those processes have not been used on subsequent assignments.
bullet The material on quizzes 2 and 3 is more recent (easier recall) and has been used repeatedly on other assignments since being taught.
bullet Student Red's extremely low score has pulled down the average on all of the quizzes thus creating an artificial deflation.
bullet The students may  not fully understand the information learned in the "graphics" unit (quiz1).
bullet The students may not have been aware of what material was to be covered on the test and therefore were unprepared for the questions on quiz 1.
bullet The quizzes may have been too long/challenging for the amount of time given in class for the students in section 2 to take the quizzes.
bullet The questions may have been poorly worded or otherwise confusing to the students.
bullet  The teacher may not have effectively taught the material (especially quiz 1).

The instructor needs to determine the causes for the low score on quiz 1 and correct it quickly.  In the future, it might be advisable to check for understanding at the end of each unit, possibly with a mini quiz.  Clear instructions of the material to be covered on the midterms would also help students to prepare and therefore increase achievement scores. 

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